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Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms arise when the body comes into contact with a harmless substance, such as dust, pollen, milk or egg protein, which the immune system detects as dangerous, producing an exaggerated response.

In general, the allergy causes acute symptoms such as redness in the eyes, itching, swelling in the mouth and shortness of breath, while food intolerance causes less severe symptoms such as belly pain and diarrhea. Depending on the place and the substance that caused the allergy, the symptoms may vary, making it more difficult to identify the cause.

Symptoms of Food Allergy

Food allergy symptoms arise after ingesting allergenic foods such as strawberries, shellfish, peanuts, milk or berries, for example, and include:

  • Tingling or itching in the mouth;
  • Itchy, reddened and rough skin;
  • Swelling and itching in the neck, lips, face or tongue;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting;
  • Hoarseness.

In the most severe cases or when the treatment is not started on time, the patient may develop symptoms of anaphylaxis, which is a serious situation that must be treated in the hospital and that includes symptoms such as difficulty breathing, throat swelling, pressure Sudden low or fainting.

Skin Allergy Symptoms

Skin allergy symptoms are common in cases where there is a drug allergy, in the presence of infectious diseases or the immune system is weakened, and usually include the appearance of hives with pellets, itching, redness and swelling of the skin. .

Generally, these symptoms are caused by direct contact with substances such as perfumes, nickel, enamels or latex, but they can also be caused by the release of histamine, resulting in a respiratory or food allergy.

To relieve the symptoms of skin allergy, you should wash the region with water and hypoallergenic soap, apply moisturizer and take an antihistamine medication such as Hydroxyzine, prescribed by the doctor. However, if the symptoms take time to get better, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist if allergy medications are needed.

Symptoms of Respiratory Allergy

The symptoms of usually affect the nose, throat and skin, arising:

  • Nasal secretion, leaving a blocked nose;
  • Itchy nose;
  • Constant sneezing;
  • Red nose;
  • Dry cough and shortness of breath;
  • Redness in the eyes and tearing;
  • Headaches.

Respiratory allergy can arise when the airways come into contact with substances such as dust, mold or cat hair or other animals, and must be treated in the hospital with the use of medicines that facilitate breathing such as Salbutamol or Terbutaline.

Respiratory allergy does not cause asthma, but it can aggravate the picture of an asthmatic patient, being that in those cases, the patient must use the inhaler prescribed by the doctor and take an antihistamine medication to reduce allergy symptoms.

Medication Allergy

Drug allergy causes similar symptoms with other types of allergy, such as the appearance of red pellets on the skin, itching, hives, swelling, asthma, diarrhea, headache and intestinal cramps.

These symptoms arise with the onset of medication use and improve when treatment is discontinued. After identifying the allergy causing drug, it is important to always inform the doctor of the name of the drug before starting any treatment or surgery to prevent this problem from recurring.
Allergy Symptoms Reviewed by Admin on September 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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