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What is Folic Acid For?

Folic acid also known as Vitamin B9, is a nutrient that participates in various functions of the body such as:

  • Maintain brain health by preventing problems such as depression;
  • Participate in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Prevents anemia, as it stimulates the formation of blood cells;
  • It prevents colon cancer, since it prevents alterations in the DNA of the cells;
  • It prevents heart disease and heart attacks, since it reduces homocysteine   and maintains the health of blood vessels;
  • Control the evolution of vitiligo.

To prevent fetal malformations such as spina bifida, women who plan to become pregnant or who are already pregnant should take supplements in folic acid capsules under medical prescription.

Foods Rich in Folic Acid

The table below contains foods rich in folic acid and the amount of that vitamin in 100g of each food.

Recommended Amount

The recommended amount of folic acid per day varies according to age, as shown in the table below:

Folic acid supplementation should always be done under medical guidance, and is usually recommended in cases of deficiency of that vitamin, anemia or for pregnant women.

Side Effects and Contraindications of Supplementation

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and so its excess is easily removed through the urine. However, the use of folic acid supplements without medical guidance can cause problems such as stomach pain, nausea, itchy skin and anemia. The maximum amount of this vitamin per day is 5000 mcg, an amount that is generally not exceeded with a balanced diet.

In cases of use of medications for seizures and rheumatism, the folic acid supplement should only be consumed according to medical guidance.
What is Folic Acid For? Reviewed by Admin on August 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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