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Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

The use of home remedies to lose weight, lose belly and reduce abdominal fat are excellent options to help detoxify the body, due to the properties they have, as they help eliminate accumulated fat, accelerating metabolism, and toxins They favor weight gain.

Also, these home remedies also have diuretic properties that help remove excess water from the body through urine. The use of natural foods is a better alternative than the use of medications to lose weight, since these should be prescribed by a specialist and usually have side effects.

In addition to this, it is also important to associate these teas to lose weight with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, since by themselves they will not have the expected effect.

1. Green Tea for Weight Loss

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Drinking green tea with ginger as a substitute for water helps to lose weight, because these ingredients are diuretic and have thermogenic action, increasing the caloric expenditure of the body, even at rest.


  • A teaspoon of green tea;
  • A teaspoon of grated ginger;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Preparation Mode

Put together all the ingredients in a pot and let stand for a few minutes. Cole and drink tea little by little several times a day.

2. Jamaican Water

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

The hibiscus or flower of Jamaica is a very effective plant for weight loss, due to its high concentration of anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which help regulate the genes that are involved in the metabolism of lipids, acting at their Once in the reduction of fat cells.


  • 2 tablespoons dried jamaica flowers or 2 sachets of jamaica flower;
  • 1 liter of water at the beginning of the boil.

Preparation Mode

To make the water of Jamaica and maintain the properties of the flower, the water must be boiled and, when it starts to boil, the fire must be put out. Then you should add the hibiscus flowers, cover the bowl and let stand for 10 minutes before straining and drinking. You should drink 3-4 cups of Jamaican water daily, half an hour before the main meals. It is also possible to take the cold infusion by adding ice or keeping it in the refrigerator. Ideally, it should be ingested without adding sugar to achieve the expected effect.

3.Eggplant Water to Lose Weight

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Another good remedy to lose belly is to drink eggplant water, as it helps eliminate fat and reduce cholesterol because of its fiber content.


  • 1 eggplant with shell;
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparation Mode

Leave an eggplant to soak in 1 liter of water for 6 hours and blend.

4. Ginger Tea

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Ginger tea is excellent for weight loss, because it is a potent diuretic and thermogenic, causing the metabolism to increase and as a result the body spends more energy.


  • 2 cm fresh ginger ;
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger powder;
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparation Mode

Place the ingredients in a pot and let them boil for 10 minutes. Cover the pot and let stand for a few minutes, strain and drink 3 cups per day.

Other important tips to lose weight, are to avoid eating processed foods, industrialized, high fat and high sugar, in addition to this, it is very important to exercise regularly. A consultation with a nutritionist can be useful to receive practical guidance to adapt the diet and lose weight with health and maintain well-being.

Why is it Important to Lose Weight and Lose Belly?

Losing weight is not only important for looking and feeling good about yourself, but also necessary for health and well-being. Overweight and obesity are associated with various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, among others.

The accumulation of fat at the abdominal level favors the emergence of diseases, mainly cardiac, this occurs because fat accumulates at the level of the arteries and abdominal organs, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. There is a formula that allows you to calculate the risk that a person has of suffering from cardiovascular diseases through the measurement of the waist and hip, to know their risk,
Home Remedies for Weight Loss Reviewed by Admin on September 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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