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Infectious diseases: what they are, what are the main ones and how to avoid them

Infectious diseases are those caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa or fungi, which may be present in the body without causing any damage to it. However, when there is some alteration in the immune system or some other clinical condition, these microorganisms can proliferate, causing diseases and facilitating the entry of other microorganisms.

These diseases can be acquired through direct contact with the infectious agent or through the exposure of the person to contaminated food or water, as well as through the respiratory, sexual or animal-caused injuries. Many times infectious diseases can also be transmitted from person to person, being called infectious and contagious diseases.

Infectious diseases

Main Infectious and Contagious Diseases

Infectious and contagious diseases can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites and, depending on the infectious agent, can cause diseases with specific symptoms. Among the main infectious diseases can be mentioned:

  • Infectious diseases caused by viruses: Zika, Ebola, mumps (mumps), HPV and measles;
  • Infectious diseases caused by bacteria: tuberculosis, chlamydia, scarlet fever, and leprosy;
  • Infectious diseases caused by fungi: candidiasis and mycosis;
  • Infectious diseases caused by parasites: Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis.

Depending on the microorganism that causes the disease, there is the emergence of signs and symptoms characteristic of the disease, the most common being: headache, fever, nausea, weakness, malaise, and tiredness; especially in the initial phase of the infectious process. However, depending on the disease, more severe symptoms may arise such as increased liver size, stiff neck, seizures, and coma.

For the diagnosis to be made, it is important to be attentive to the signs and symptoms presented by the person and go to the doctor so that it is requested to perform laboratory and imaging tests, in this way, it will be possible to identify the agent responsible for the infection and, consequently, the beginning of the most appropriate treatment.

How to Avoid them

Microorganisms can be found in various places, especially in times of pandemics, which makes it important and necessary to learn to protect against diseases, for this reason, it is recommended:

  • Wash your hands regularly, especially before and after each meal, and after using the bathroom;
  • Avoid the use of hot air devices to dry hands, since it favors the growth of bacteria in the hands. Use paper or a towel preferably;
  • Have the updated vaccination card ;
  • Keep food in the refrigerator and keep raw foods well away from cooked food;
  • Keep the kitchen and bathroom clean, since they are the places where microorganisms can be found most frequently;
  • Avoid sharing personal items, such as toothbrushes or razors.

Likewise, it is important to regularly take pets to the veterinarian, as well as keep their vaccines up to date, since estimation animals can be a reservoir of some microorganisms, and can be transmitted to their owners.

Infectious diseases: what they are, what are the main ones and how to avoid them Reviewed by Admin on March 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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