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10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

A good strategy to lose weight and lose belly is to eat daily fruits that help promote weight loss, either because of its low caloric content, its high fiber content or its diuretic effects.

Ideally, consume 2 to 3 different fruits per day, in addition to following a low-calorie diet accompanied by regular physical activity. It is important to mention that although the fruits in general are low in calories, they should not be abused in terms of their quantity, having to eat small portions in the snacks or as dessert in the main meals.

The consumption of daily fruits together with a healthy diet and the realization of daily physical activity, helps to increase the metabolism and to use the fat stores that are accumulated in the organism, thus favoring weight loss. See all the benefits of walking

1. Strawberries 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 45 Kcal.

The strawberry helps to lose weight because it contains few calories and in addition to this it is rich in iron and vitamin C, being an excellent natural anti-inflammatory.

2. Banana 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 1 unit: 87 to 120 kcal.

Rich in tryptophan, it removes the desire to eat sweets and satisfies hunger. The number of calories depends on the type and size of the banana. Banana when consumed before physical exercise decreases the risk of cramping because it is rich in potassium. It is also excellent for breakfast because hunger decreases throughout the day. An excellent dessert is to make the roasted or baked banana or in the microwave with some cloves from India.

3. Apple 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 170 g : 81 Kcal.

The apple helps you lose weight because it is rich in antioxidants by regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as aiding in digestion. Roasted apple with cinnamon or clove contains few calories and is a delicious and nutritious dessert. Know all the benefits of apple .

4. Pear 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 1 unit: about 85 Kcal.

The pear helps to lose weight by being rich in fibers, improving intestinal transit and helping to satisfy hunger. She helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. Roasting the pears with cinnamon makes it a delicious dessert for lunch.

5. Watermelon

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 24 kcal.

It contains few calories and is diuretic helping to combat fluid retention. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure, it is considered an aphrodisiac fruit.

6. Kiwi 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 46 kcal.

Among the benefits of Kiwi are the fight against constipation, it has a high capacity to quench your appetite, it is rich in vitamin C and is diuretic.

7. Papaya 
10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 85 kcal.

Diuretic and rich in fibers, it facilitates the elimination of feces and fights the swollen belly. Papaya is good to help control diabetes and relieve the symptoms of gastritis. A slice of chopped milky with 1 point of natural yogurt is an excellent choice for the morning snack.

8. Lemon

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 1 unit : 22 kcal.

It is diuretic, rich in vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant helping to eliminate toxins and leave skin more viscous. Having a cup of tea with the lemon peel daily is a great way to consume the lemon without sugar and take advantage of all its benefits.

Lemon also helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. Learn more about how lemon helps you lose weight.

9. Tangerine
10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 38 kcal.

Tangerine helps you lose weight because it is rich in water and fibers, as well as being low in calories. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron in the intestine by strengthening the immune system. Its fibers improve intestinal transit and help control blood glucose.Learn about other benefits of tangerine .
10. Pineapple 

10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight

Calories in 100 g : 52 kcal.

Pineapple lose weight because it is rich in water and vitamin C. Pineapple fights fluid retention and leaves the waist thinner People who do not like the acidic taste of pineapple can try it roasted in the oven with a stick of cinnamon.
10 Fruits That Help you Lose Weight Reviewed by Admin on September 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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